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New league

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medal 5000
9 years 162 days ago (edited 9 years 149 days ago)
Dutch Racing League,  everyone is welcome.
3 races in 1 week 100% races

League rules:
1. You are expected to be respectful of / to the other managers, plus be mindful of your language.
2. Be active everyday, tho you are not expected to attend each race you are expected too have your car's maintained (replace worn parts) and have your strategy saved. 
3. You are too let me know (send PM) ahead of time If you are going to be gone or unable to login daily. PLEASE!! don't risk getting kicked out.
4. You are not allowed to share login information and password with any other manager (No controlling another managers team: drivers, set strategy or anything else).
5. You may have only 1 team per tier.
6. You may not rotate your teams through the same tier.

Any questions send me a PM.
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