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Facebook login not working [Android]

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medal 5446 CEO & CTO
2 years 278 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 2 years 278 days ago)
Facebook login is currently not working for many Android devices. We're diagnosing and testing solutions to the issue now. In the meantime, this thread contains advice on how to bypass Facebook login and access your account. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

To login without FB login button:
Steps 1-3 can be skipped if your account uses an email that you have access to and you know that email address.

  1. Go to using your mobile browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Opera Mini)

  2. Login using Facebook (still working in mobile browsers, unlike the app)

  3. On the iGP Manager website, go to Settings -> Account and check that the email on your account is one you have access to. If it is not, change it to an email you have access to.

  4. Open the iGP Manager app and click 'Sign in with iGP Manager'

  5. Click 'Recover password' and enter the email address associated with your account

  6. Go to your email inbox and use the password recovery email to change your password.

  7. Return to the iGP Manager app on Android and 'Sign in with iGP Manager' instead of Facebook login

  8. Now login using your account email and the password from Step 6.

Some other quick alternatives:

  • Mobile browser - You can use the browser on your Android phone to login with Facebook and manage your team.

  • Other devices - You are still able to login and manage races on desktop, laptop or iOS devices.

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