Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 9 years 275 days ago
Okay, so I don't see any need for commerce, I have therefore sold my Commerce faclility, got rid of all my marketers with the exception of the single marketer that I appear to be obliged to employ and signed a Commercial Manager who is happy to be paid 1,000 per race. So far so good.
All of my Designers, Engineers and Mechanics are trained to level 20 so the question is, do the Chief Designer, Technical Director and Doctor have any influence on the overall performance of the team? If not I may as well replace them with heads of department who are also happy with 1,000 per race each and save myself something in the region of 1 million a race.
Anyone know the answer to this?

Nate Furler medal 5000 9 years 275 days ago
Chief Designer and Doctor are the only important staff other than drivers.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 9 years 275 days ago
Thanks Nico. I have a Tehnical Director who is very soon going to find himself unemployed unless he's prepared to take a significant pay cut.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 275 days ago
You are getting too caught up in saving money. Although since I am in a 1-car league, I have more room for staff and thus, making money so I am not worried at all (I have $438 million). But even when I ran a team in a 2-car league everyday, I was over $200 million very quickly.
Technical director is very important. Find a low level technical director with maximum experience, and he or she will be just as good as a high level technical director.
Don't cheap out on a Chief Designer or Doctor.
Commercial manager position can remain vacant. I have not had one for many seasons now.
Combined, the three staff positions I have on hire (excluding driver) are paid 850k per race. All three are level 9.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 9 years 275 days ago
Oops. Come back Technical Director all is forgiven lol.
So if I employ a low level inexperienced Tech Director in what way does this affect the team?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 275 days ago
A maximum experience Technical Director of any level will give you concise fuel consumption predictions at your maximum push level.
The less experienced a Technical Director is, the less accurate their fuel consumption predictions are.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 9 years 274 days ago
But if that is all they do I'm not bothered. I have already worked out litres/km for the engine/fuel permutations I regularly use so I ignore the advice of the Tech Director and calculate fuel load from data I have gathered over many races. I almost always end up with between 1 and 2 litres in the tank at the end of each stint which is just about where I want to be. Insufficient fuel to do an extra unplanned lap but enough in reserve in case I want to increase push level part way through the stint.

Nate Furler medal 5000 9 years 274 days ago
^which is why I said they're not important :P

Carlos Vargas medal 5000 9 years 274 days ago
¿and what factor does good pit times?
and avoid messings¿?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 274 days ago
Hi Carlos, for faster pit stops, train technical after each race. Mechanics and engineers levels will increase by one, to a maximum of level 20. You can see their levels on the staff page.

Carlos Vargas medal 5000 9 years 274 days ago
yes i know... then the Technical director level have no effect on pitting timings ... i think yes.
and the messings?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 274 days ago
If you ever have a bad pit stop that takes too long, there's nothing that can reduce that. They don't happen often.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 9 years 274 days ago
Hi Nico. I wasn't disbelieving you when you said they're unimportant, it's just that Blunion almost immediately contradicted what you said so I'm left not knowing which is correct advice. Now that Blunion has come back and explained why the Tech Director is important I'm more comfortable getting rid of current one and hiring a level 2 at 1,000 a race. Thanks guys/girls for your advice.

Jason Chen medal 5000 9 years 272 days ago
Money is something you don't have to worry about (unless you are just starting out with not many races under your belt). Don't have to be stingy about it. I'm getting 6 million a race from the sponsors, so it's fine if you want to pay your staff 1 million each