Nate Furler medal 5000 9 years 269 days ago
I think you'll find that this is a better link.
The answer to your question:
Although you won, there were only 4 drivers. You're clearly more experienced than the other manager, and you're expected to compete in higher populated leagues. Since the other one is new, which was most likely his first or 2nd race, he was not expected to do well, and even though it was only out of 4 and he got 3rd and 4th, it's still considered good.

Carlos Vargas medal 5000 9 years 269 days ago
Daniel R:
you need to comprehend how the game works. :)
Nico explains well the mean.
you have your race points: 25+18 =
43 team points
and the other guy got:: 15+12 =
27 team points
That will be added to the season standings for promotions or championship fight
The managers page:
Is used for your repiutation points (Nico explains that).
You could watch your world ranking.: