B Champion medal 5000 9 years 268 days ago
Hi all,
I'm new to this game, 3 races so far.
I seem to qualify quite well, usually both drivers in the top 10. But by lap 5 I'm usually dead last. Why?

Cole Trickle medal 5000 9 years 268 days ago
Do u watch races live? Tyre management is key. Most newbies struggle at this.
Are you using same strat as front runners do (tyres, fuel load)?
Post a link to your league or one of ur race analysis. With some additional info the community might tell what u r doing wrong.

Angelo Iannì medal 5008 9 years 268 days ago
Looking at your last race in Japan... your strategy was pretty good for Rookie tier BUT... looking deeply at your timechart you always did first 2 laps of each stint very fast and then your laptimes drop off badly. This is a clear evidence that you select a wrong push level which burn your tyres on fire very soon in the stint and you struggle with them overheated for the rest of it.

B Champion medal 5000 9 years 268 days ago
I cannot seem to load the live view window. Just says "connecting" for a long time.
Thanks for having a look. I'll turn down the push level to 1 and see how that works.
Can you add more than 5 stints. My races go for 100 minutes. Brazil for example is 71 laps. If I wish to use soft tires for all stints, I should be looking at 6-7 stops.

Thomas Kang medal 5000 9 years 267 days ago
Hi Ben,
I looked at your race result too, and Angelo is right. You were overheating a lot which is why you were so fast during the first few laps of a stint.
Don't put the push level down all the way to 1 though. Level 2 (Be strategic and play it safe on the next race tab) is good for the high tyre wear circuits and level 3 is good for low circuits. Only Monaco is an exception, the optimum push level would be 4 or 5, depending on your tyre choice.

Angelo Iannì medal 5008 9 years 267 days ago
Once your 5th stint is over, the game refuels the same amount and refits tyres you have selected on your 5th, again and again til the end of the race.