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Season rule settings

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medal 5000
2 years 253 days ago (Last edited by Justin Side 2 years 253 days ago)
Everyone signed up for races without refueling, and somehow this new season created itself with refueling,  and no fast lap bonus point, against how I know I had it set.  Does anyone with enough power to alter a league read these? We'd very much appreciate it if these things could be changed somehow. Race 1 is just underway now, just noticed the issue. 

Edit, we also lost the tire rule, which should be on. 

Promotion on, refueling off, 2 compounds on, fast lap point on. . 
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 253 days ago
It appears you have been caught out in the same way as many others. Currently the rules reset to default (Refuelling On / No FL Point / No tyre rule) when a new season is generated.

So if you want to continue for multiple seasons with something other than the default settings it is necessary to re-apply the rules each season. This can be done at any time in the current season but MUST be done before the final race.

Clearly this is not ideal, it has been flagged to the Devs in the hope that they can make the settings save and only change when a host consciously changes them.

I have flagged your request to the support team but I'm not sure whether they can change the rules part way through the season.
medal 5657 Community Manager
2 years 253 days ago
Hello Justin,

This should be fixed now. Please confirm.
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