Dion Caesar medal 5000 13 years 94 days ago
As I have only just started playing this game, I found one very little thing that could perhaps be improved. When you offer a contract to a partner, there\'s no option to go back to the \'partner screen\'. You have to go back to the \'team\' tab, then click on \'partners\'. It would be a little easier if you could go back directly. I know it\'s only a very small thing, but it increases \'game speed\'.
Hope this helps ;-)

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 13 years 94 days ago
I\'m planning to make the shortcut to offer a contract on the overview list open in a dialogue eventually, so you never leave the list, to tackle exactly this.
So you would click the shortcut to negotiate, and it will open without changing the page in a small overlay, then you can make the offer and close it, and click offer to another partner, etc.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 94 days ago
I like that idea Jack as I too found the clicking back and forth a bit annoying if I was in a hurry.

Dion Caesar medal 5000 13 years 94 days ago
Indeed. It sounds good that this is being fixed.
I have one question which is off topic, and I\'m not sure if I may ask it,, but how many people are currently working on this game?
Just wondering ofcourse! I like what I\'m seeing so far!

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 13 years 94 days ago
We\'ve hired freelancers and outsourced some aspects but overwhelmingly it\'s the work of myself and Andrew. We\'ve been working on it full-time (investing our time and money in to it) for a long time, and if we get enough subscribers after launch we can keep it that way. There is every intention to continue improving iGP Manager for years to come.
Though we have big aspirations for the project we\'re certainly not a big company with a big budget, we do it because we love what we do. If we didn\'t love it, then we wouldn\'t be here today. Most people would probably quit after 2-3 years without pay. :P

PierreAntoine Coipeault medal 5000 13 years 86 days ago
Hi Jack!
I noticed that on the overview of a team, you have the last items updated but you don\'t have an \"overview\".
Is it possible to add a part like the \"Partners\" view, as everybody could know for example motors manufacturer, fuels and tyres used by everyone ?
Is it planned or is it hidden on purpose ?
Thanks a lot for your feedback !