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Following Problem to Server Interruption

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medal 5799
2 years 194 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
Due to the Server Interruption Races didn’t start at all. We have now the following Problem. It was/is the last Race of our current season. Only Profi League Race startet and finished. So the 1st and 2nd was promoted. Now the races will restart tomorrow. But the 2 who was promoted to elite have to go after 1 Race down to Profi again, because they are still in Elite.  and the 3rd and 4th (Now 1st and 2nd) will be promoted.  League ID: 129927

Was ist stattdessen passiert?

Passierte das Problem, während du W-Lan, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder bei beidem aufgetreten?

Welches Gerät?

Welches Betriebssystem?

Auf welcher Version ist dein Betriebssystem?
iOS and Android

Welches Betriebssystem ist auf deinem PC?

In welchem Browser ist der Fehler aufgetreten?

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 194 days ago
This sounds a bit of a mess, I will escalate it to Support
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
2 years 194 days ago
In order to prevent some possible further issues, I have re-parsed the pro tier results. They will not race tonight and will need to wait for the new season. We will need to perform some manual interventions to keep the league as it should be with the new season and may need you to guide us with what is not correct, but we will be happy to help. Let us know how things look after the race tonight and the new season is generated.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
medal 5799
2 years 193 days ago
Now the season ends and all races are down. 
These two users (2nd in Profi) & (1st in Profi) need to be moved into elite, so everything will be fine. 
Thank you for help. 
medal 5685 Community Manager
2 years 193 days ago
Hey AI EX,

This should be fixed now. Thanks again for your patience and understanding.
medal 5450
2 years 193 days ago
Hey AI EX,

This should be fixed now. Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

Good Evening Jose,

unfortunally the wrong persons were promoted. Marco and Torsten only finished 5th and 6th in the pro championship. Dome and Paul finished 1st and 2nd and should have been promoted. Would it be possible to correct that?

medal 5685 Community Manager
2 years 193 days ago
For sure. Since you wrote 1st and 2nd I thought standings were fine! Misunderstanding solved. :)
medal 5799
2 years 193 days ago
Thank you. Now everything is fine. Topic can be closed 
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