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Every DP stat was set back to One (Season begining)

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medal 5450
2 years 193 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
Starting a new season

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
Some teams in our league have the problem that their DP were set back to 1 in every department (except those with the supply bonuses).  It happened to some teams in all 3 categories. The names which I currently know are Darksmoke(Rookie), Tobi(Pro), Doz(Pro), Dome (Elite), Paul (Elite). If necessary I'll add more names afterwards

Passierte das Problem, während du W-Lan, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder bei beidem aufgetreten?

Welches Gerät?

Welches Betriebssystem?

Auf welcher Version ist dein Betriebssystem?
Idk. Is it necessary?

Welches Betriebssystem ist auf deinem PC?
I am on mobile. In this case I cannot speak for the ones whose been affected ( to make it clear I am not affected )

In welchem Browser ist der Fehler aufgetreten?
In all I guess

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
I guess so. I think it has to do something with the problems with the promotions which we had yesterday. But the strange thing is Darksmoke had nothing to do with the promotion/Relegation chaos

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
Is it possible that you reset their DP Stats to normal or do they have to do the trick with joining another league and then comeback?
medal 5450
2 years 193 days ago
Also affected from this bug were: Jedno (Pro), Thomas (Pro), Luca (Rookie), Jojo (Rookie). 
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
2 years 193 days ago
Hello Fynn,

Thanks for the report. I'm fixing the error that those players have had.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
2 years 193 days ago
Hello Fynn,

I've already upgraded the cars on the affected accounts. Everything should be fine now.
medal 5450
2 years 193 days ago
Thanks for you help Ovih?. Thread can be closed now
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