James Pinsker medal 5000 9 years 204 days ago
I'm not really sure how driver health WORKS, and I have no idea what that affects. Can drivers get to 0%? If so, what happens? Do they get slower? Does it indicate how much they have left in their career? Is there any other way to get it up excluding training? Come on lads, help me out.

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 9 years 204 days ago
In short lower health will mean less performance throughout the race since they will get tired quicker than a healthy driver.
As far as I know they can get to 0% health at which stage they will probably perform very poorly. It doesn't indicate how much they have left in their carreer, they will grow one year older every 20 races and at some point they will state they will retire. Some do that in their 30's, other in the 40's and the other option is being fired by the managers because they tend to perform less at some point.
Only way to get drivers health up through training. The physical training for the driver him/herself and the health training for the team.

James Ryan medal 5000 9 years 204 days ago
You can use your reward points to immediately boost your drivers health to 100%, though you will still need to train them if you want to keep your drivers healthy :D

James Pinsker medal 5000 9 years 204 days ago
OK, thanks lads, so how much do drivers health wear per race and does it vary? thanks for the info.

Cole Trickle medal 5000 9 years 204 days ago
Stamina indictates how much health a driver loses in a race. Don't confuse it with after the race tho! Health is always "restored" to prior health minus one after each race. But during the race, health drops much more if your driver has bad Stamina.

James Pinsker medal 5000 9 years 195 days ago
So does it just affect lap time, or consistency, or everything, or what?