James Pinsker medal 5000 9 years 201 days ago
me and my friend are on rookie (pls dont laugh :) and this season we were both looking at promotion in magyar f1. but this guy called Daniel Klercklinator (no offense to him, he seems nice) has reseted to rookie but still on level 13, and with 74% dev, hes gonna dominate us. to prove his level, he has a level 13 driver. wouldn t it be nicer for him to go to a much harder league, let me and my frind go to pro, and live in PEACE? again, i chattred to the guy earlier and hes quite nice, but isnt there a way to stop this from happening? we spent money on subscription, so we dont want some BS in our way to pro. and considering im faster than my friend GENERALLY, I cant trust that he would be willing to spend an season in rookie getting bored withot quitting? any answers?

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 9 years 201 days ago
We all started on Rookie once so I won't :)
But looking at his teams history, it's the 4th reset he has done so far. To me that feels like wanting to win but when not able to do that in Elite, changing back to Rookie or Pro. Other than money and that, there's not much of a reason to go back to the Rookie tier.
Not sure what to do about it though since he's not breaking any rules. It's just not very fair to those in the Rookie and Pro tiers since pretty 99% of the teams there won't be able to keep up with a fully developed team with well trained drivers.

James Pinsker medal 5000 9 years 201 days ago
yeah, but say if you reset you go to your tier you were in or something else

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 9 years 201 days ago
My best guess is that the setback to Rookie is done to prevent managers just spending money untill they run out and keep going by resetting over and over. It will take at least two seasons to get back in Elite and likely most managers would like to avoid that.
Personaly I think the reset function isn't used that often since it's not that hard to keep the finances in the black figures. Once the facilities are done and good sponsors are contracted the money almost poors in without much to spend it on.
Perhaps the reset should be done on request only to prevent situations like this.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 201 days ago
You don't have to worry too much about Daniel Klerckinator. He never did well when I used to play with my other account in South America GP's Elite tier. Just make sure you give it 110% and he will not be a problem at all.

Jimmy Broadbent medal 5000 9 years 199 days ago
You don't have to worry too much about Daniel Klerckinator. He never did well when I used to play with my other account in South America GP's Elite tier. Just make sure you give it 110% and he will not be a problem at all.
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