This thread is just for people who don't really know what to do or are using the dge browser no chrome support has ended. So at the start of September 2015 the java and unity support for chrome was unforunatley stopped so the new recomendation is firefox as edge/internet explore is at the moment a very slow browser and in my experience unreliable;also internet explorer is just out-dated as you could see therre is a new microsoft alternative. Chrome support was dropped as the version was considered dangerous as for it to work you had to enable npapi which enables activation of this plug-in and it didn't necesarrily always do what it said it should and enables many illegal thing to be done. Despite this the IGP plug-in version was not illegal so do not worry you are fine and now firefox or edge/ internet explorer you do not have to enabale npapi as you are absolutley fine to just go racing and do not neccesaily have to spend tme looking for the forum thread telling you how to or working it out yourself ( as I learnt the hard way to always read forums check first).
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your racing expereice on IGP!
Skyriver Mercedes
Youtube IGP: