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More wet tyres

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medal 5001
2 years 134 days ago
Today I played an old racing sim and I had the idea of this suggestion: yet another compound...

Two different rain compounds: Soft wet tyre and Hard wet tyre. You can choose if you have to be faster or have a longer stint.

These tyres exist in many real life racing series. 

When it rains you won't bet only on when it rains but also how long. In changing weather conditions it should work.
In a totally wet race it could work if you are forced (by tyre wear) to stop 2 or 3 times in order to have a wet "dry" race with less tyre choice.

Maybe there will be too many tyres but this could help to not have boring wet races.
medal 5000
2 years 127 days ago
i think it was rejected bc of strategy.
medal 5000
2 years 127 days ago (Last edited by Steven Clift 2 years 126 days ago)
I see some logic in this idea but overall as Brady said it would convolute strategy for wet races. We're honestly better off with just the intermediate and wet tires, plus I don't see this being much improvement for the game.
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