Click on the managers. Most probabaly they haven't been online for days or much longer. Their parts don't get refitted on their cars. As every part starts with 100% into the season, that is not an issue for the first or second race. Since suspension usually suffers the most in a race, it fails first after a couple of races.
Seems like u r in a league, where only few people are active.
Basically lots of people have their team in the league but dont go on the game. Every new season, they get all new car components. By Bahrain area, they all start to fully break because they dont replace them.
cheers guys, mine was 1 of them that didnt qualify and also both of my drivers failed to finish the race before due to suspension and ive been on quite a bit and done a full refit before the race
You might be hitting the refit button, but do you have enough money, mechanics and engineers to fit them? On the right hand side of the same screen you see "projections" which highlights cost and the numbers of each mechanics and engineers required. If any of them show as red at the bottom of that box it means you dont have enough money or people to do the refit.
Dont expect to refit your complete car every race for the moment. But do make sure to refit your suspension and you get to refit your engine about every 2nd race, sometimes 3, otherwise you will run out.
I can only say what everyone says, watch the vids, specially the ones around money as it will get you generating cash quickly!