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How many people play iGP

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medal 5000
2 years 139 days ago
Do the developers have actual numbers of people which play iGP..? Is it increasing..? Declining..? Are there accounts but no longer in use..

There seems to be far more leagues than are needed, if leagues are under 50% full they should be closed to fill up the remaining leagues.. 
medal 5001
2 years 139 days ago
I fully understand the reason for this thread and I partially agree with you. Anyway your viewpoint is a little biased.

There are different league rules, different languages, different timezones and, most important, different days of the week. When I see suggestions about merging leagues they usually come from people playing everyday. It's not so easy like it sounds.

I proposed my new league structure in another thread. Let's see what will happen with new player levels because the roadmap published one year ago talked about changing league structure. Maybe this problem will be solved.
medal 5000
2 years 139 days ago

Do the developers have actual numbers of people which play iGP..? Is it increasing..? Declining..? Are there accounts but no longer in use..

There seems to be far more leagues than are needed, if leagues are under 50% full they should be closed to fill up the remaining leagues.. 

I’m not completely sure how they would calculate that. There is some obvious competition with the new f1 manager game but I don’t feel that it would have a major impact given the difference between the two. However, I don’t think this game is in the spotlight and it would take a bit of advertising to do so.

I can say for sure that a fair percent of accounts are inactive; we kicking a few every season in my league.

I fully understand the reason for this thread and I partially agree with you. Anyway your viewpoint is a little biased.

There are different league rules, different languages, different timezones and, most important, different days of the week. When I see suggestions about merging leagues they usually come from people playing everyday. It's not so easy like it sounds.

I proposed my new league structure in another thread. Let's see what will happen with new player levels because the roadmap published one year ago talked about changing league structure. Maybe this problem will be solved.

Jody you would probably want to look at this. It’s in the suggestion section. There were some solutions proposed that would help with the excess of leagues.

medal 5848
2 years 138 days ago (Last edited by Antonio Ascari 2 years 138 days ago)
Do the developers have actual numbers of people which play iGP..? Is it increasing..? Declining..? Are there accounts but no longer in use..

There seems to be far more leagues than are needed, if leagues are under 50% full they should be closed to fill up the remaining leagues.. 

You forget there are some small leagues around, just a few mates or colleagues racing eachother, your proposal would force them into other leagues.

Also, the league system is out of the devs hands, it’s players who dictate which leagues are created and the rules that apply. This has led to a lot of unique leagues, i think it’s brilliant. Your suggestion goes against all that, it would mean players are no longer at the helm.

I mean, look at all the different tyre rules, custom points systems, tyre allocation rules, hybrid online\offline leagues, … no way the devs could’ve come up with all these unique rules (no disrespect to devs intended) all that is out the window in your proposal
medal 5316
2 years 136 days ago
As we know, there are many leagues, with different rules, schedules, which are more or less filled.
Maybe iGP should create its own official league (or more, Europe, Asia etc.. due to time zones), with strict rules about activities and such.
medal 5848
2 years 136 days ago
As we know, there are many leagues, with different rules, schedules, which are more or less filled.
Maybe iGP should create its own official league (or more, Europe, Asia etc.. due to time zones), with strict rules about activities and such.

I’ve hosting experience and in much of it, it’s a very subjective role. A host sometimes has to make a decision, making friends and enemies at the same time.

So I see why igp would not want to do that, igp could look biased. And that’s something as game developer you don’t want to, you want equal service for all participants 

I get your point though, and I like the suggestion but  I guess I see the difficulties that come with it
medal 5000
2 years 132 days ago

Do the developers have actual numbers of people which play iGP..? Is it increasing..? Declining..? Are there accounts but no longer in use..

There seems to be far more leagues than are needed, if leagues are under 50% full they should be closed to fill up the remaining leagues.. 

Who is playing.? ☠️Lol❣️
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