This is something that has been suggested before some time ago, I liked the idea back then and I still like it.
BTW, assuming the current range of 1-25 Rookie, 1-50 Pro and 1-100 Elite it is possible to find the correct settings for Rookie and Pro in 5 practice laps without resorting to purchasing the ideal setup.
Elite you would get close but to guarantee the correct settings you would need an accomplice in a one-car league or be in a two-car league to get the settings spot on.
Isn’t that why this idea wouldn’t deliver as intended? Some managers would just buy tokens and others would work out a way (such as you describe above) to get round it meaning there would be little if any change to races.
Experienced managers would use the work arounds and inexperienced managers would probably do nothing with a few others buying tokens. End result? The experienced managers would have adapted and continue to win and the inexperienced managers would continue to struggle.
It isn’t that the idea is bad or unpopular, just that it wouldn’t provide the outcome desired by the OP, apart from a small increase in revenue for iGP assuming those who use tokens buy packs to replenish these. However, this not certain as you can earn 3 tokens per race and adding in the perfect setups you get from dailies you might not ever need to buy more packs.