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Car Crashes and safety car

Want to see car crashes?

59.02% (36)
Yeah. (I wanna be cool)
40.98% (25)
No. (I am a depressing individual)
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2 years 139 days ago
It would add an extra wrinkle of strategy.
2 years 139 days ago (Last edited by Steven Clift 2 years 139 days ago)
I just know this will be rejected.

Why should we take a good racing management game and make it a roll of the dice? It's been said before by a wiser man than me
2 years 138 days ago
It will make it interesting, but I get your point.
2 years 138 days ago (Last edited by Herbie Rides Again 2 years 138 days ago)
It will make it interesting, but I get your point.

It’s also been requested and rejected more times than I can remember since it was a total disaster when introduced before.  

Please take time to check whether items have been requested before as you are just repeating things already raised and discussed or already in the game.

P.s You are in an inactive league and the only person setting up is you.  You won’t learn anything about the game racing against inactive managers especially at 100% 1x which pretty much nobody races (100% 2x and 75% 1.5x are Popular).  You’d be much better joining an established league and learn from experienced players than setting up your own league and racing on your own.
2 years 138 days ago
The safety car does actually exist but was removed rather quickly. The problem is the game doesn't have random failures, or accidents etc. So the only time the SC came out was when someone retired which was only inactive managers. I still think the SC was a good idea it was just implemented very badly.
2 years 138 days ago
It will make it interesting, but I get your point.

It’s also been requested and rejected more times than I can remember since it was a total disaster when introduced before.  

Please take time to check whether items have been requested before as you are just repeating things already raised and discussed or already in the game.

P.s You are in an inactive league and the only person setting up is you.  You won’t learn anything about the game racing against inactive managers.

You hit the nail on the head Cole, people should read previous threads before they suggest car crashes/accidents
5084 Super Mod
2 years 138 days ago
IIRC we had a number of yellow flag incidents for retiring cars or cars running out of fuel but I don't believe we ever saw the full safety car because I don't remember the Devs defining a trigger to deploy it.

This caused so much negative feedback from the community it was very quickly removed, even more quickly than a UK economic U-turn.
2 years 138 days ago

IIRC we had a number of yellow flag incidents for retiring cars or cars running out of fuel but I don't believe we ever saw the full safety car because I don't remember the Devs defining a trigger to deploy it.

This caused so much negative feedback from the community it was very quickly removed, even more quickly than a UK economic U-turn.

Pretty sure bringing back the safety car will cause even more negative feedback - all it does is turn a perfectly good skill based racing manager into a casino slot machine
4994 Moderator
2 years 138 days ago
I agree, however we do have league rules now. While too many rules is a can of worms of its own this seems to be something worth a rule. Some want to race with the result representing their own actions and decisions to the last digit, but a lot of others would sacrifice some of that for more action even if it means quite some luck by rolling some random numbers in the background has to be introduced, but as well some ability to perform damage control and adapt to unpredictable circumstances deciding between similarily (un)lucky managers.
2 years 137 days ago (Last edited by Herbie Rides Again 2 years 137 days ago)
Unfortunately not only was this universally unpopular last time there is also a trend now on forum suggestions just to reply with make it a league rule as though this is some kind of easy win.  

League rules are ok if they are well thought out and we don’t have too many of them.  I doubt they are particularly easy to code and they don’t always have the intended effect.  I once posted at the were they were first suggested that they would polarise and spilt leagues.  No one agreed with me yet now the Devs seem to.   Below is a comment made by Jose on a recent thread about removing DRS

Also, we will not introduce new League Rules for many updates. League Rules generate audience segmentation, everyone has their favourites and this leads to more leagues and we all know the current league depopulation problem we are suffering from

Introducing yet more league rules to please a minority is not a great solution and if we aren’t careful the game will have more varieties than Heinz leading to more dilution of the league structure and a poorer experience for all.  If anything this thread illustrates why there should be a high bar on who can start a league. 
4994 Moderator
2 years 137 days ago (Last edited by Frank Thomas 2 years 137 days ago)
Every new yes/no league rule halves the player pool for a certain league, so yes, bringing new ones has to be done with care. But just reworking and enabling it again would alienate most of the dedicated long term players, but keeping it out would make the game feel lacking for the crowd of new players and interested people as well as the established ones wishing for more action, things that stir up races, and don't mind the random element, or even welcome it.

Of course it won't be an easy task and not going to be soon, also fixing and smoothing out the basics needs to come first. But somewhen after marketing the game takes place again I think this rule has to be a thing even though I have no interest at all to play with crashes. But some of those new players drawn by the action will get experience and love that head to head racing and annoyed every time when the game decides this or that competitor has to drop out of the race ruining what promises to be a close finale and jumps camp, and every new competitor is a good thing.
2 years 137 days ago
Every new yes/no league rule halves the player pool for a certain league, so yes, bringing new ones has to be done with care. But just reworking and enabling it again would alienate most of the dedicated long term players, but keeping it out would make the game feel lacking for the crowd of new players and interested people as well as the established ones wishing for more action, things that stir up races, and don't mind the random element, or even welcome it.

Of course it won't be an easy task and not going to be soon, also fixing and smoothing out the basics needs to come first. But somewhen after marketing the game takes place again I think this rule has to be a thing even though I have no interest at all to play with crashes. But some of those new players drawn by the action will get experience and love that head to head racing and annoyed every time when the game decides this or that competitor has to drop out of the race ruining what promises to be a close finale and jumps camp, and every new competitor is a good thing.

Maybe, but it feels like the game is in danger of being caught between two aims.  This game was originally designed as a management strategy game and adding arcade style attributes is bad for me personally.   I also believe it is not good for the game’s future health unless it drops the strategy element and becomes pure arcade style.  It will alienate the longer term players attracted to a strategy game and will probably disappoint those newer players who are looking for a 3D arcade style experience.  Maybe the Devs see the future in the latter,  but I can’t see how the game will survive sitting in the middle of both experiences since it risks satisfying neither type of player.

2 years 137 days ago
Correct me if in wrong but the SC could be enabled in the league right? I can't remember. You could just turn it back on and let league hosts decide? I know it doesn't work that well but at least there is that option.
2 years 137 days ago
Correct me if in wrong but the SC could be enabled in the league right? I can't remember. You could just turn it back on and let league hosts decide? I know it doesn't work that well but at least there is that option.

Are you asking or stating it was?  Either way no it wasn’t optional and was introduced and removed a long time before league rules were introduced and no more leagues rules will be added to the game in the foreseeable future.
2 years 137 days ago

Maybe, but it feels like the game is in danger of being caught between two aims.  This game was originally designed as a management strategy game and adding arcade style attributes is bad for me personally.   I also believe it is not good for the game’s future health unless it drops the strategy element and becomes pure arcade style.  It will alienate the longer term players attracted to a strategy game and will probably disappoint those newer players who are looking for a 3D arcade style experience.  Maybe the Devs see the future in the latter,  but I can’t see how the game will survive sitting in the middle of both experiences since it risks satisfying neither type of player.

Exactly what I'm saying - we don't need it to be arcade-ish. Keep those aspects in offline racing management games

I say that bc those do have some elements of skill but they're offline - this doesn't need to be a luck-based game
2 years 136 days ago
It would be cool but I feel it would come out too much considering the current player base. A lot of people in rookie and pro are inactive (and will retire with suspension damage), and those who aren’t manage their cars in a way that in real life would always lead to a crash (abuse of boost to annoy everyone, driving tires down to the rims, etc.); If there was a possibility to crash and a safety car would come out for even 1 lap per accident, there would be some races in my league that 20%+ of the race is SC (with 100% race distance, I’d pray for those with 25% distance), which would border craziness.

I don’t think the game or players are ready for SCs. People manage their cars like RC Toys on a track and the game plays the part. We need some variety in the game but I don’t how people would react to it.
4994 Moderator
2 years 136 days ago
Maybe, but it feels like the game is in danger of being caught between two aims.  This game was originally designed as a management strategy game and adding arcade style attributes is bad for me personally.   I also believe it is not good for the game’s future health unless it drops the strategy element and becomes pure arcade style.  It will alienate the longer term players attracted to a strategy game and will probably disappoint those newer players who are looking for a 3D arcade style experience.  Maybe the Devs see the future in the latter,  but I can’t see how the game will survive sitting in the middle of both experiences since it risks satisfying neither type of player.

That's why it has to be a league rule. The thing is every racing manager I know has crashes, car component failures, race incidents, and at least the newer ones SC. So players usually expect these to be a part of a manager game and view a game missing them as incomplete of essential features. However those other games are either offline against AI or arcade and/or pay2win. In a competitive multiplayer race those things don't work, at least one that gives every player the same fair chance and isn't extremely hardcore complex, as teams are just too close and the tiniest difference in luck would be a deciding factor ruining not only the races of the ones whose cars got hit but everyone else who hoped to have a thrilling competition and not just get success for free like that. So those who realized arcade and race lottery isn't what they are looking for need the possibility to switch it off. 

But this is a discussion for much later, first the bigger issue of so many people giving the game a try quitting before they even make it into their first race has to be addressed. After that we'll see if we can afford this additional league rule.
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