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Kicked from team

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medal 5000
2 years 87 days ago
Hi. How can a team admin just kick you from a team in tmore that the middle of the season when they are not even paticipating in the competition. I am not sure but it looks like my points is now behind the admins name. The team that kicked me was F1 2022 LEAGUE and the admin is Thierry Headley
medal 5442
2 years 87 days ago
By the look of it, if you were in elite, they kicked you to secure the championship for themself. just a bad admin. id look for a league with a healthy elite scene to avoid that happening again
medal 5872
2 years 87 days ago

By the look of it, if you were in elite, they kicked you to secure the championship for themself. just a bad admin. id look for a league with a healthy elite scene to avoid that happening again

If that’s true, would be a toxic host. Also, since he kicked you out, he won’t have any races as there’s only 1 manager in elite

medal 5533 Super Mod
2 years 87 days ago

I am going to investigate this using in-game mail and will close the thread. 

Thank you for reporting this host. 
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