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XP Gain

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medal 5000
2 years 85 days ago
So how does it work? I know each level requires more and more as you progress, but it seems like different levels also receive different amounts of XP after a race. Can someone tell me the xp gain after a race per level?
medal 5679 Community Manager
2 years 85 days ago
Hey Harry,

Level XP is earned each time you race, and the higher the level of the competition (relative to you) the faster you will gain level XP.
medal 5000
2 years 84 days ago

Hey Harry,

Level XP is earned each time you race, and the higher the level of the competition (relative to you) the faster you will gain level XP.

I thought that was reputation. Thanks.

medal 5679 Community Manager
2 years 84 days ago
Works in a very similar way!
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 84 days ago
If you want the exact calculation for XP gain it is:

40 + (Highest Level in tier - Your Level) x 20

Examples: You are currently L14.

If you are the highest level in your tier you get
40 + (14 - 14) x 20 =40 XP per race

If the highest level team is 17
40 + (17 - 14) x 20 = 100 XP per race
medal 5000
2 years 84 days ago

If you want the exact calculation for XP gain it is:

40 + (Highest Level in tier - Your Level) x 20

Examples: You are currently L14.

If you are the highest level in your tier you get
40 + (14 - 14) x 20 =40 XP per race

If the highest level team is 17
40 + (17 - 14) x 20 = 100 XP per race

That's what I was looking for. Thank you!

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