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Increased wing = more heat?

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medal 5000
2 years 79 days ago
Can you get more heat into tyres by increasing wing? For example, I'm about to race in Monaco, I want to run mediums most of the race in fairly low temperatures and I know I'm going to have to push. Can I negate some of the the extra pushing by running say an extra 5pts on the wing level? Or doesn't this make any difference to the way the tyres react?
medal 5442
2 years 72 days ago
As far as I'm aware from my own testing; the only factor that affects tire temps that you can control yourself is the push level.

Load up on extra fuel to push harder in the winter and/or try more stops on softer compounds. Higher wings than what your driver wants will only hurt your laptimes.
medal 5000
2 years 72 days ago

As far as I'm aware from my own testing; the only factor that affects tire temps that you can control yourself is the push level.

Load up on extra fuel to push harder in the winter and/or try more stops on softer compounds. Higher wings than what your driver wants will only hurt your laptimes.

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