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    medal 0
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medal 5000
2 years 75 days ago
Question: I finished P1 and everyone in Pro is a higher level than me. Why did my reputation only go up 4 points?


medal 5679 Community Manager
2 years 75 days ago
Hello Harry,

Reputation gain is relative to other’s manager reputation, it isn’t about the experience level. It’s explained in the FAQs.
medal 5038
2 years 75 days ago (Last edited by Wholly Crap 2 years 75 days ago)
You have the highest rep in pro, also finishing 6 laps ahead of second place meant that there was no competition, I'm surprised you didn't lose points which will probably happen as the season goes on. I wouldn't worry about rep too much as it's never a true indicator of how good the manager is. The more races you do in a week the more points you get, so those racing 7 days will always get more points than those only racing 5. If you want to increase your rep that much you need to join a league where your competition has higher rep than you.
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