My suggestion is to add a coefficient (we'll call it 'P') to the DRS formula. This coefficient will be controlled by the push level of the driver while DRS is active.
This would cause mangers to plan for another factor in tire temp management, slightly buffing Hard tires in the process.
Numbers for P I think would work are:
1- P=80%(0.8)
2- P=90%(0.9)
3 (Neutral)- P=100%(1)
4- P=105%(1.05)
5- P=110%(1.1)
Justification for the feature and numbers:
-The Theory of the Feature
-The implementation would change almost nothing with 2 car DRS trains as 1 car won't have DRS with the exception of lapped cars and therefore is subject to being passed regardless. I think this is a good thing.
-The dynamics of 3+ car trains would be greatly changed as the speed difference from lowest push to highest is 30%. This would make managers consider if it is worth it to maintain track position at the cost of tire wear or go slow and look to use the better tires to perform an overcut.
-This also has the potential to create bigger DRS trains because if the managers in the lead train decide to use lower push levels while the managers in the midfield train use a higher push the midfielders could (over the course of multiple laps) catch up to the lead train. I think this is good because it brings more people into the fight but can be prevented by the leaders by observing and reacting to what the midfielders are doing while creating a game of chicken with the other leaders on whether or not to increase their tire wear and potentially cost them the win if the other leaders don't decide to work with them to pull away from the midfield train.
-The Theory of the Numbers
-While I'm unaware of exactly how the DRS boost is currently calculated, my suggestion would just require the current formula to be put into parentheses and the coefficient added outside it. Making this change easy to implement (from a programming POV).
-The numbers could be off and would need to be tested obviously BUT the intention behind them is to give diminishing returns for increasing push. This is because it would be less obvious what the right thing to do is if you can save tires for a big drop is DRS power or wear tires potentially a lot for a modest boost on just one part of the track.
Not as passionate about this feature as the title suggests. That's mostly just satire about the big debate every DRS suggestion brings. After reading way too much into all of those threads I feel this solution not only appeases the people who are unhappy with DRS but it also prevents a lot of the issues their suggestions would bring. All while emphasizing the "MANAGER" part of iGP Manager.
Please critique this idea and add to it as I'm sure I've overlooked effects this change would have and like I said, I don't have a dog in this fight as I'm fine with DRS as it is but I couldn't help but share this idea as a compromise between the DRS purists and DRS reformers.