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What should I do with Tokens?

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medal 5003
2 years 42 days ago
This might be a bit of a dumb question but I'm unsure what to do with my tokens. Currently I'm (13 XP away from) level 10 and only really use tokens for the occasional staff hiring or if I run out of engines. My money is very gradually lowering, so I know I want some tokens saved for when/if I run out of money so I can get some more cash. However, I have almost 90 tokens, which would equate to over 75 million dollars - More money then I could dream of spending in months. 

So, my dilemma is, should I continue to save tokens? At higher levels, do they get used more? Or should I use them to speed up my HQ upgrades? 
medal 5510 Super Mod
2 years 42 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 2 years 42 days ago)

Having a large amount of tokens is an issue that affects quite a few high level managers, with there not being many ways to get rid of excess tokens at the moment.
Using them to hire staff, purchase engines and speed up HQ updates are good ways to use them, especially as you're still progressing through iGP's levels.

It may be worth bearing in mind however, that in the near future, the new driver special abilities and Level 30 update is being released and having a storage of tokens might be useful to have for when that update does get released.

In terms of your cash, there are various ways you can try to prevent your levels dropping, which are detailed in the two below threads:

1) Debt after returning
2) Financial deficit

This may help further in any preparation you may feel like doing for the update.

I hope this helps you, but if it doesn't, feel free to ask any further questions.
medal 5003
2 years 42 days ago


Having a large amount of tokens is an issue that affects quite a few high level managers, with there not being many ways to get rid of excess tokens at the moment.
Using them to hire staff, purchase engines and speed up HQ updates are good ways to use them, especially as you're still progressing through iGP's levels.

It may be worth bearing in mind however, that in the near future, the new driver special abilities and Level 30 update is being released and having a storage of tokens might be useful to have for when that update does get released.

In terms of your cash, there are various ways you can try to prevent your levels dropping, which are detailed in the two below threads:

1) Debt after returning
2) Financial deficit

This may help further in any preparation you may feel like doing for the update.

I hope this helps you, but if it doesn't, feel free to ask any further questions.

Definitely helps a lot, thanks!
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