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medal 5758
2 years 40 days ago
On the Next Race screen, what exactly is Tyre Wear for example pertaining to? Your car will be quicker if the car stats are higher to reflect the Tyre Wear bar, or does it mean that (for example Baku) this track has a higher abrasion factor and medium and hard are the better choice of tyre? 

Also, Hard compound were supreme there this last race and it was 9Deg and cloudy. They surely should have been a bit slower than what they were compared to soft and medium. I chucked them on to slow my pace down and ended up even further ahead.
Quite often in races at 14-18 Soft compound can barely heat up. Mexico is one track that stands out as being difficult to light up even SS on. Texas is another. It just seems a bit odd to how it used to be and to how the tyres should be behaving given the conditions at times. 

Anyone else maybe had a thought on all this? 

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