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Misclick - Button Und an offer

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medal 5272
2 years 7 days ago (Last edited by Jean Lama 2 years 7 days ago)
Did a mistake, I misclicked on a pilote which I wasn't considering buying (actually I already bought two 2 minutes before). I think a confirmation button with a giant "ARE YOU SURE ?" when you click could be great or even an "Undo the offer" button could be great even if it wouldn't give you your token back.

As an example I spent 3×15M instead of 2 times and hum... out of my ≈80M budget it's just gigantic I mean it's >55%. And of course I still have to pay the wage of this extra pilot and a +890k bill for each race is something I can't afford.

Thus, I suggest a third thing : maybe we shouldn't have to pay pilots wage when they're in an auction since we can't race with them for 24h.

I'm not specially asking for a refund (however I'll take it if given ah ah) but implementing these features could be reaaaally practical !

Btw : thx to all the iGP Team especially the Dev !
medal 5000
2 years 7 days ago
Same thing happened to me. I got no refund, unfortunately.
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