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medal 5000
2 years 27 days ago
You said something about old drivers on the levels update. You mean that an old t20 that was bought before the update is as a new t30 or a t20 with the new system?
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 27 days ago
Existing driver talent wasn't changed during the update. If you had a T20 driver before the update they will still be T20 now.
medal 5000
2 years 27 days ago

Existing driver talent wasn't changed during the update. If you had a T20 driver before the update they will still be T20 now.

So why does it say a T30 is the equivalent of a T20 then? That makes no sense if a T20 is still a T20. A T20 is no longer the best driver you can have isn't that right?
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 27 days ago
A T30 driver in the new system is equivalent to a T20 driver in the old system.
Your T20 drivers are now approximately equal to a T14 in the old system.
Maybe why suddenly so many T20 drivers are being advertised for sale ?
medal 5000
2 years 27 days ago

It's certainly why mine went up for sale lol. I'm sure it'll work itself out in the long run

medal 5000
2 years 27 days ago

A T30 driver in the new system is equivalent to a T20 driver in the old system.
Your T20 drivers are now approximately equal to a T14 in the old system.
Maybe why suddenly so many T20 drivers are being advertised for sale ?

 So you mean that t20 remains, but it means t13-t14 with the new system? 
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 26 days ago
Your T20 driver remains a T20 in the new system, but because the highest talent is now T30 they are no longer the best drivers. 

What I meant above is that your T20 driver would equate to something like a T14 in the old 1-20 system.

To avoid confusion it's probably best not to keep comparing new to old system. Just think along the lines that the best drivers are now T30, your drivers are only T20 so it's maybe time to replace them. 

Any T20 reserve drivers you have may as well be sold because they're just taking a wage and the chances are you will never use them. Keep an eye out for higher talent replacements that you can train in readiness for your current T20 retiring.
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