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Staff stars

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medal 5003
2 years 26 days ago
Before the update my staff were all 5 stars at level 20 but after the update they dropped to 4.5 stars despite the account remaining at level 20. Why is this?
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 26 days ago
Hi Callum

You say your staff are all L20 but when I check the account you posted with the CD and TD are only L19 so it is not a surprise that they display as 4.5 stars to a L20 account.

Your Doctor is L20, can you confirm that the Doctor also displays as 4.5 star?

medal 5003
2 years 26 days ago (Last edited by Callum Miller 2 years 26 days ago)
My staff were level 19 before the update and were 5 stars. my doctor is also 4.5 stars.
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 26 days ago
I have reported this to the Devs. I guess it is some sort of rounding issue as a result of the rescale but this is only speculation as I don't know the calculation behind the star rating.
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