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Engine points etc

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medal 5735
2 years 22 days ago (Last edited by Chris 'Iceman' Tones 2 years 22 days ago)
I tried to put 2pts on Accl for Spain (Braking is a negative of this) and 1 remaining point on Braking to counter it but it looks like i can't do this so i figure that I'll just add the +1 to Braking on car stats.. and i ended up with 2 or 3 more points on it than i began with i am fairly sure. 

Edit: It had gone from what i was sure was 189 on Braking to 191 or 192, and is now back at 189. I just noticed that the Braking (on the engine) for Spain is at -2, so now i don't know for sure if it had saved this (was certain it had) or something went wrong between the stats for the engine and the car.  
medal 5099 Super Mod
2 years 22 days ago
Hi Chris.

I’m struggling to follow. But I’ve checked out your engine stats.

Your Barcelona engine is granting +3 acceleration and -2 braking. And your engine at the previous race was +1 handling and -1 downforce.

So your braking should have dropped by 2 since your last race plus any points you had spent.

Does that account for the difference you are describing here?
medal 5735
2 years 22 days ago

Hi Chris.

I’m struggling to follow. But I’ve checked out your engine stats.

Your Barcelona engine is granting +3 acceleration and -2 braking. And your engine at the previous race was +1 handling and -1 downforce.

So your braking should have dropped by 2 since your last race plus any points you had spent.

Does that account for the difference you are describing here?

Given enough points I'll typically leave them on a 10 or a 5 so it should have been on 190 and then taken 2 off to 188 and the plus 1 i added would leave it on 189. (Initially thinking it was minus 1 to 189 and i was adding 1 back up to 190) It was just odd for it to jump up over 190 (191 or 192) on braking when it should have shown it going down -2 rather than going up, and then somehow it corrected itself when i went back to check it and done the edit. I'll keep an eye on it to see if it does it again. 
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