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run date error

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medal 5225
2 years 7 days ago
O que você estava tentando fazer?
changing the date of the races to the next day February 23, 2023.

O que ocorreu de fato?
the calendar extended the race day too much, being 1 month behind schedule.

O problema ocorre usando WiFi, internet móvel, ou ambos?
Mobile data

O bug ocorreu no aplicativo, PC ou ambos?

Qual o modelo do seu celular?
k12+ LG

Qual o sistema operacional?

Qual a versão do seu sistema operacional?

É possível reproduzir o problema?

Comentários adicionais:
if possible help me, reschedule the races from the 23rd of february.

thank you for your attention

my league that had the problem
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
2 years 7 days ago
Hello Fábio,

I've updated your league calendar. The next race is on Friday 24th February (it can't be on the 23rd because there are no races on Thursdays in your league).
medal 5225
2 years 7 days ago

Hello Fábio,

I've updated your league calendar. The next race is on Friday 24th February (it can't be on the 23rd because there are no races on Thursdays in your league).

thank you very much for your helpfulness ovih
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