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Driver Talent

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medal 4891
2 years 3 days ago
Hey all,

Question for you all. When working my way up to level 20 all those years ago..I’m sure I remember that if the talent of your driver exceeded your level, then there was no benefit. We are all working our way up to the holy grail of level 30 yet still all on level 21. I see players getting Talent 30 drivers and maxing them out (obvs spending some coin) but isn’t it right they in essence could have a talent level 21 driver maxed out and it would be the same?? 
medal 5033
2 years 3 days ago (Last edited by Herbie Rides Again 2 years 3 days ago)
Hey all,

Question for you all. When working my way up to level 20 all those years ago..I’m sure I remember that if the talent of your driver exceeded your level, then there was no benefit. We are all working our way up to the holy grail of level 30 yet still all on level 21. I see players getting Talent 30 drivers and maxing them out (obvs spending some coin) but isn’t it right they in essence could have a talent level 21 driver maxed out and it would be the same?? 

This is not correct anyone can have a T30 driver.  Think about it why would the Game offer you the opportunity to buy a talent 20 driver when you reach certain level milestones early in the game like at lvl 5 and lvl 10?

Maybe you are confusing Manager level and driver level (stars) with Talent level?  If you have a driver that is a higher level than Manager level the stars will turn red.  A consequence of this is that training will be much harder to progress
medal 4891
2 years 3 days ago

Hey all,

Question for you all. When working my way up to level 20 all those years ago..I’m sure I remember that if the talent of your driver exceeded your level, then there was no benefit. We are all working our way up to the holy grail of level 30 yet still all on level 21. I see players getting Talent 30 drivers and maxing them out (obvs spending some coin) but isn’t it right they in essence could have a talent level 21 driver maxed out and it would be the same?? 

This is not correct anyone can have a T30 driver.  Think about it why would the Game offer you the opportunity to buy a talent 20 driver when you reach certain level milestones early in the game like at lvl 5 and lvl 10?

Maybe you are confusing Manager level and driver level (stars) with Talent level?  If you have a driver that is a higher level than Manager level the stars will turn red.  A consequence of this is that training will be much harder to progress

I hear what you’re saying but I’m still not 100% convinced. You can’t get a higher talented driver than your level through Transfers. It will only give you Talent 21. You can through youth academy of course, and you can train them to the max that way. But maybe red stars means over powered (i.e. wasted power). A level 5 driver cannot get a higher talented driver than their level. They cannot get a talent 6 driver as they can only get drivers relevant to their level. Dunno. I’d be interested to see if someone has one maxed 30 and one maxed 21 talent driver and see the lap times. 

medal 5743 Moderator
2 years 3 days ago
Dick Dastardly is right. The limit is set on driver’s level, not talent.
A level 5 manager could already buy a T20 driver if he found one (on the market, sold by a friend, or in the YDA). So now the same level 5 manager can buy a T30 driver.
medal 5033
2 years 3 days ago

Hey all,

Question for you all. When working my way up to level 20 all those years ago..I’m sure I remember that if the talent of your driver exceeded your level, then there was no benefit. We are all working our way up to the holy grail of level 30 yet still all on level 21. I see players getting Talent 30 drivers and maxing them out (obvs spending some coin) but isn’t it right they in essence could have a talent level 21 driver maxed out and it would be the same?? 

This is not correct anyone can have a T30 driver.  Think about it why would the Game offer you the opportunity to buy a talent 20 driver when you reach certain level milestones early in the game like at lvl 5 and lvl 10?

Maybe you are confusing Manager level and driver level (stars) with Talent level?  If you have a driver that is a higher level than Manager level the stars will turn red.  A consequence of this is that training will be much harder to progress

I hear what you’re saying but I’m still not 100% convinced. You can’t get a higher talented driver than your level through Transfers. It will only give you Talent 21. You can through youth academy of course, and you can train them to the max that way. But maybe red stars means over powered (i.e. wasted power). A level 5 driver cannot get a higher talented driver than their level. They cannot get a talent 6 driver as they can only get drivers relevant to their level. Dunno. I’d be interested to see if someone has one maxed 30 and one maxed 21 talent driver and see the lap times. 

Sorry, but you are mixing up Talent and Manager.  Level they are completely different.  Talent is the only non trainable stat in the game

You can buy a higher talent driver than your Manager Level.  As I said when you reach certain Manager level milestones iGP offers you the opportunity to buy a talent 20 driver.  They wouldn’t do this if they gave you no benefit.  Red stars means exactly what I said they do.  If you read the Rules & Regulations 3.3 Star Ratings and Skill Levels you will understand.  Star levels have no bearing on on Talent

medal 4891
2 years 3 days ago
Dick Dastardly is right. The limit is set on driver’s level, not talent.
A level 5 manager could already buy a T20 driver if he found one (on the market, sold by a friend, or in the YDA). So now the same level 5 manager can buy a T30 driver.

Well I will bow to both your knowledge. Someone pointed this out a few years ago but they must have been wrong.
Level 5 doesn’t have a YDA till level 7 but I guess they could get one off a friend. Defo none on the market for them though. 
There’s none on the market for me! Ha. And my YDA hasn’t produced one yet. Guess I’ll just have to wait around while falling behind those that have bought one.

medal 4983 Moderator
2 years 3 days ago
It's more difficult these days to find high talent low level drivers. For one finding one in YA might be cheaper now, but promoting is a high cost and thus less drivers that don't fully satisfy what a manager is looking for are promoted anyway to end up (relatively) untrained in transfers. Also higher level YA create now higher base skills which saves some training but that high level account with a good chance drawing those high talents won't promote those with level 7 anymore.
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