mister mouse medal 5000 8 years 363 days ago
my race started a minute ago, but i cant find the button to live manage it!
where do i need to click, a few moths ago it was on the home page, a big button, but now its gone!

Rico Penguin medal 5000 8 years 363 days ago
Hi Mister
Your race hasnt started yet. Do you live somewhere where the clocks changed last weekend? If so your racers are now an hour later

gareth robishaw medal 4843 8 years 363 days ago

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 8 years 363 days ago
Hi Mister
Your race hasnt started yet. Do you live somewhere where the clocks changed last weekend? If so your racers are now an hour later
His screenshot says the race is live. I'm sure it's a bug the Go To Race box didn't come up, but he could have gone to the spectating page to find his race.

Guenther Steiner medal 5000 8 years 363 days ago
I have 3 solutions:
1. Try going to "Next race" under "League" tab. That should bring you to the launch page when a race is live.
2. Try going to "Spectate" under "iGP", and select the race you are taking part in to go to the launch page.
3. Try manually typing in the URL to the launch page. This URL will start with "http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-launch/", followed by the race ID.
To figure out the race ID, go to the Previous Race, find the 6-digit number at the end of the URL, and add 3 to that number.
Example launch page URL: http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-launch/559633

mister mouse medal 5000 8 years 363 days ago
hi my time indeed changed last weekend, so i think that is it. Stupid i did not think about it myself. So next race i will check an our later, and if that is not it, i try joining with spectate. thx for the help guys!

James Greer medal 5000 8 years 361 days ago
That happens all the time when you are idle for too long, you just needed to click the home tab again or refresh the page, then the go to race button would of shown up.