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Disqualified with rain

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medal 5001
1 year 316 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
A race at UK iGP with rain.

Cosa è successo invece?
I have been disqualified because of 2 tyres rule. I used only inters. It rained during the first laps. HUD showed a cloud with rain. Water level increased from 1.6 to 1.7 mm then the track was drying.

Il problema si è verificato durante l'utilizzo di dati Wi-Fi, mobili o entrambi?

Il problema si è verificato nell'App, sul PC o in entrambi?

Qual è il modello del tuo dispositivo?
It doesn't matter

Qual è il sistema operativo?

Qual è il numero di versione del sistema operativo?
It doesn't matter

Quale sistema operativo ha il tuo PC?
It doesn't matter

In quale browser hai riscontrato il problema?
It doesn't matter

Può essere riprodotto il bug?
Probably yes.

Commenti addizionali:
It was raining. I joined the live race after a couple of laps.
medal 5685 Community Manager
1 year 316 days ago
Hey Giovanni,

Thanks for reaching out for your issue. I did share your report with dev team and thanks to the info attached by you and your report we were able to identify an issue and apply a fix. Additionally I've deleted the results and parsed again to fix your results!
medal 5001
1 year 316 days ago
Thank you!
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