gareth robishaw medal 4982 8 years 257 days ago
i dont know. me and my mum looked at it and mum said rosberg took hamilton off and rosberg was about to get away with it when hamilton went "im not having another bad race with you having the smug face on again" and so took rosberg out. it was a racing incident but xmattyg said otherwise and said i was rosbergs fault. about time he was the one taken out and not vettel or as a final word on this i would say this to rosberg.....actually 2 words
Jaxon Kincaid medal 5000 8 years 255 days ago
Rosberg did nothing wrong, Hamilton went for a gap that wasn't there. Rosberg moved off the line to defend his position, and he had the right to do so. Nonetheless, still a racing incident.
gareth robishaw medal 4982 8 years 255 days ago
i accept your opinion. if your a hamilton fan rosbergs to blame if your a rosberg fan hamiltons to blame if your nuetral its a racing incident. for me it was eirther rosberg for failing to even see hamilton on his right and braking earlier than expected and hamilton tried to avoid him but then lost control or its a racing incident