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Driver not going to Auction?

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medal 5000
1 year 304 days ago
What did you try to do?
Sell my driver via an Auction

What happened instead?
I want to get rid of a driver, I select the contract option to sell via Auction. However they do not get listed for auction instead it only ever is "Buy Now". That's been 12hrs straight hours now and I have checked multiple times each hour(with this account and another) and never once have I seen the driver listed for Auction

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Moto G50

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
Latest / 12

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?

Can the bug be reproduced?

Additional comments:
medal 5462
1 year 304 days ago
Well I was on the other side trying to buy 2 drivers that it never showed the auction time that was left for them and instead if I refreshed it locked them
medal 5000
1 year 303 days ago
Driver was Finally listed on Auction(and sold) at I think the 8th attempt!

Is this the way it should be working?
medal 4987 Moderator
1 year 303 days ago
No, something is not working properly with drivers above level 20. Might be that the market was flooded with generated drivers in an amount somehow breaking priority of player auctioned drivers, something in the selection process compiling the transfer pools/lists broke with the new levels, and/or too few managers of that level using transfers. 
medal 5000
1 year 303 days ago
Thanks for the update Frank, cheers.

Will this be on a "to-do list" of things to patch/fix in the near future?
medal 4987 Moderator
1 year 302 days ago
It's certainly on a to-do list, but near future depends how quickly the source of the problems can be nailed down.
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