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Physical attributes

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medal 5000
7 years 342 days ago
Does physical attributes being highest mean the driver's health remain the same before and after the race?
medal 5889
7 years 340 days ago

Your drivers will always lose 1% every race even if they are fully trained. Training health will recover 1% and training physical will recover 2%.
medal 5000
7 years 340 days ago
...and, with high stamina, you will lose less health during the race, that's really important to stay fast the whole race ;)
medal 5000
7 years 336 days ago
...and, with high stamina, you will lose less health during the race, that's really important to stay fast the whole race ;)

whats the way to increase the stamina ...
medal 5000
7 years 336 days ago
Physical Training works on Stamina, Reflexes, Drivers Weight & Health and the odd time Bravery.
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