Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 1 year 305 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 1 year 305 days ago)
This is not true, the differences now are smaller than in the past. Since L30 has less power than old L20. So L15 teams competing against L24 (not a great example since currently there're only 250 players that reached this experience level) are closer than previously.
It's possible that you planned so, and this was made so, but as you rescaled the driver attributes, there is already a big enough difference between the levels, lower levels not to be that competitive, and let's say that new 30 is equal to old 18, then we can say, that 15-24 is 9-14, for which levels there used to be weight penalty in roookie or/and pro (I don't remember) category, so it wouldn't be that crazy
Sorry it would be really crazy. You do understand that this is a zero sum game? There have to be winners and losers and Jose’s answer is correct.
However, imagine they implemented your suggestion solely on the basis that you find the current situation unacceptable. How would those receiving the weight penalty react? Would they not find the weight penalty unacceptable after they have grinded to their current level? And what about new new joiners would they find it unacceptable that they have to start at level 1? Weight penalties in rookie and pro made more sense as they are tiers where managers are still learning the game and if an experienced player got relegated who was active they would win every race really easy (in fact even with a penalty it was still easy owing to the greater experience they have of how to play the game, but a penalty in Elite would in theory mean that everyone would eventually receive the Penalty making it pointless and nonsensical. And as for the driver attributes they are theoretically available to everyone.