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Personalised Liveries

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medal 4501
1 year 87 days ago
Hi eveyone, I noticed that there are some managers which use a personalised livery that you're not allowed to get throught the "Edit livery" mode and which often resembles the real world f1 liveries.
Is this a thing? Does someone know how to use them? I think it's all about playing with some files in the standalone windows app, but I can't figure out by myself what to do. Can someone help me? Thank you in advance!
medal 5023 Community Manager
1 year 87 days ago
Hey Lorenzo,

This practice is not allowed since it can cause lag and other server issues. Feel free to comment down below those teams and we’ll friendly ask them to stop doing that. Thank you!
medal 4501
1 year 86 days ago
Oh, ok, thank you for clarifying José!
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