Does imc and weight affect more than talent?
I'm noticing that between a driver with talent 23 and a driver with talent 24 it seems that the one with talent 23 is faster. Especially at the beginning of the race and at the end.
I've noticed that the talented 23 has the BMI at its optimum (green) and the endurance at its maximum.
The other one doesn't. His BMI is in orange and his endurance is one or two levels lower.
Talent doesn't seem to be influencing....
As far as I've noticed talent seems to bring out the rest of the stats more. But it cannot beat a heavy driver over a light one. If you were to optimize his BMI close to the T23, I believe you would notice that the T24 would be indeed faster. Ofc, other stats matter as well.
P.s. I've taken the liberty of checking out your driver. 27.1 BMI vs a 24 BMI is not a small thing. Other thing, the 24 BMI even though he has a lower talent lvl (1 is not that much) has +4 in every driving ability stat. No wonder he is faster.