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Emilia Romagna Grand Prix

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medal 5000
1 year 71 days ago
The race has been called off by the FIA due to the flooding in the area. It is not safe for the fans, teams, and personnel. Following discussions between The president of the FIA, Formula 1, President of the Emilia Romagna region, and the mayor of Imola and the promotor of the event. Has proceeded to not hold the event.
medal 5023 Community Manager
1 year 71 days ago
Great decision by FIA and local authorities. Hopefully it can be postponed to early August.
medal 5000
1 year 71 days ago

Great decision by FIA and local authorities. Hopefully it can be postponed to early August.

Seems it would not be the case. I’ve saw some sources and many of those said that it won’t be re-scheduled.

medal 5023 Community Manager
1 year 71 days ago
Maybe, who knows. Anyway currently my thoughts are with all the affected families from the region.
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