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Buying drivers

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medal 5000
1 year 278 days ago
What is the highest talent driver I can buy at level 7? Is it worth spending tons of coins for a talent 8 driver from youth academy? I still have the starter drivers and plan to get atleast one new one for the next season
medal 5000
1 year 273 days ago

What is the highest talent driver I can buy at level 7? Is it worth spending tons of coins for a talent 8 driver from youth academy? I still have the starter drivers and plan to get at least one new one for the next season

It's best to get from the transfer market at such a low level. YDA drivers are costly, and to get every driver from there will quickly drain your cash. I'd look for a driver with a talent of 10 or more, considering your level. Personally, I'd recommend only using the YDA for drivers T25-T30, as otherwise, you'll outgrow them, and the investment won't be worth it.
medal 5866
1 year 273 days ago


What is the highest talent driver I can buy at level 7? Is it worth spending tons of coins for a talent 8 driver from youth academy? I still have the starter drivers and plan to get at least one new one for the next season

It's best to get from the transfer market at such a low level. YDA drivers are costly, and to get every driver from there will quickly drain your cash. I'd look for a driver with a talent of 10 or more, considering your level. Personally, I'd recommend only using the YDA for drivers T25-T30, as otherwise, you'll outgrow them, and the investment won't be worth it.

Well said by Harry. Also in rookie and pro, you don’t need a high talent driver to win races only in elite you’ll have to get a higher talent driver

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