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Sending driver to other team

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medal 5551
1 year 277 days ago
Hey all,

Trying to help out another manager in the league I race with. We are same manager level ( 19 ), there is a free agent driver on my short list that I am trying to send him to hire. When I open the contract section, it says I can hire him - when the other manager opens the contract section, it is locked. Unsure why this would happen as we are on the same level and the driver is on our level. As far as I understand, we should be equally capable of hiring him. Any suggestions?
medal 5041
1 year 277 days ago
Unless you previously owned the driver you can only buy now through the auctions or via your academy.  This change was made a few years ago to stop managers using scripts to hoover up all the high level drivers so that other managers couldn’t obtain decent drivers.  So unfortunately your friend will not be able to purchase the driver.
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 277 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 1 year 277 days ago)
The ability to buy "free agents" was removed nearly two years ago, here is the text from 7th July 2021 changelog...

Free-agent Drivers and Staff can no longer be bought outside of an Auction. The exception to the rule is if a driver or staff member has ever been in your team before, then you may re-sign them. The capability to sign any free agent was being abused via browser scripts that scan all possible URLs, hoarding the best drivers and staff, with the aim of preventing other managers from accessing them. Such antics are no longer possible. We will also be looking in to improvements to the transfers system to offer more ways to access a wider range of drivers and staff.

The fact that you are able to purchase the driver suggests they have either been employed by your team in the past or they were added to your shortlist before the particular update was rolled out.

There is a way round this but it depends on how much you are prepared to spend in tokens and game cash to help your friend. You can buy the driver then immediately put them up for auction which will then allow your friend to buy them.

Edit: That's what happens when you type a response, leave the keyboard for 30 mins then come back and post. I just end up repeating what DD says.
medal 5551
1 year 276 days ago
Understood, that makes sense. We’ve been racing for just under a year and didn’t know about that rule - it was one of my most recent drivers, so that explains why I can still sign him. Thanks guys!
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