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Who Wins?

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medal 5000
1 year 271 days ago (Last edited by Arch Andi 1 year 271 days ago)
Our last race in Abu Dhabi, 1st place driver got disqualified but also win the race.
Bug or not?


medal 5000
1 year 271 days ago (Last edited by Harry Kanterman 1 year 271 days ago)
If you get disqualified, the game acts as if you are non-existent in the results. The disqualified driver gets no points, and everyone slides up a spot. For example, if the driver in 4th gets disqualified, the driver in 5th gets the points for 4th, the driver in 6th gets the points for 5th, and so on. Your image doesn't load for me, but I assume it's not a bug. Did the disqualified driver run all stints on the same compound? In this case, the second place driver would get 25 points.
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