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Staff mistake

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medal 5076
1 year 263 days ago
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
I bought a technical director in the transfer market.

¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
I bought a technical director in the transfer market, but personnel that I did not buy were added to me, also I can neither sell it nor finish the contract with them.

Also, this staff that was added appears as Doctor, but I can't add them to the main template, instead, I get a different character when changing the technical director.

They are 1 star characters.

¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?
Mobile data

¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?

¿Cuál es el modelo de su dispositivo?
Redmi Note 11

¿Qué sistema operativo posee?

¿Cuál es el número de versión del sistema operativo?
Android 12

¿Qué sistema operativo posee su PC?
Windows 11

¿En qué navegador ha experimentado el problema?

¿Se puede reproducir el error?
It appears all the time, and that staff its like part of my team because i cant sell or finish with them.

Comentarios adicionales:
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 262 days ago
Hello Francisco,

I'm sorry for the problem you have had. I've removed the doctor from your team and refunded your spent tokens. I've checked and everything is correct now.
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