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Loss of host

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medal 5007
1 year 261 days ago
I was a host in a league, but I was in another one ( Yesterday I lost ownership of the league for an unknown reason. I went into the game every day, which can be checked by practice in the league Please give me back the opportunity to manage the league.
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 261 days ago
If you don't compete in the league you host you are considered an absent host and another team in the league is allowed to take control. It has been this way for many years. Just logging into iGP doesn't count.

This is why you see so many secondary accounts in Rookie or Pro level with names such as "League Admin".

You can ask the person who took control to give it back to you but if they refuse there's nothing a Mod or Support can do because it's a standard game rule.
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