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XP doubt.

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medal 5000
1 year 260 days ago
If I buy another experience booster, what effect does it have? Does it multiply, i.e. does it become 4x or does it accumulate?

medal 5396
1 year 260 days ago
Haven’t tried buying multiple boosts, but I think and hope it just increases the duration; i.e., buying two 2x boosts for 20 races mean 2x boost for next 40 races.
Or else a manager is just 10 boosts away from gaining over 1000 times the base XP :)
medal 5588
1 year 260 days ago
Hey there guys,

Once checked your doubts with the iGP Staff, we can resolve the doubt. 
If a manager buys multiple 2x XP Boost l, the outcome will be an extension of "x" races.

Sincere regards and enjoy iGP.
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