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Player using different profile

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medal 5975
1 year 255 days ago
Someone tries to create problems for our championship, some guy or some guys  enjoy using profiles to devalue the leagues, I will try to identify this person who uses different profiles and I will close them so they will no longer have fun devaluing the league, I would like to report this issue, this person uses several profiles that come from the closed leagues Clown Trophy, Clown Test, For Rest and For Rest 2.0, he enjoys manipulating the numbers of the stars, before we had 5-8 of 1 star, this person use fake accounts and increase the depreciation for our league from 8 to 31 and now to 41 then to depreciated up to 35
 I would like you to close these profiles of this person who enjoys devaluing the leagues and stop doing these teasing, I'm losing patience, thanks.

medal 5669 Community Manager
1 year 255 days ago
Hey Gianluca,

Thanks for reaching out for your issue. I’ve opened an investigation, will keep you posted.
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