Alain Prost medal 5000 8 years 167 days ago
In Headquarters - Research - Speed up - build 25 tokens
I clicked build, 25 tokens were taken off my total but the function didnt complete and still has "speed up" displayed and wants another 25 tokens
I cannot upgrade Design until this is complete.
Can this be checked please, think everything should have worked or anyone else had this or am I doing something wrong
Jack Basford medal 5410 CEO & CTO 8 years 167 days ago
I just logged in as you and tried it and it worked, not sure why it didn't for you.
The only thing I can think is that the request timed out.
Alain Prost medal 5000 8 years 167 days ago
Ok thanks Jack, maybe I am doing something wrong but I have used all my tokens messing about with this and still cannot upgrade design, I will check it again later.
Jack Basford medal 5410 CEO & CTO 8 years 167 days ago
If all else fails, a refresh fixes most things.