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I can't save my race setup

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medal 5000
1 year 232 days ago
Què has intentat fer?
I want to change the setup for my next race but when I save and I go back my changes does not appear. I tried to clear the cache but it didn't solve the problem.

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App and PC

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En quin navegador has tingut el problema?

Es pot reproduir el "bug"?

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medal 5677 Community Manager
1 year 232 days ago
Hey David,

I checked from your account and I could save the strategy (I did edit the S > M from the first stint) so we can isolate that the problem is at some point in your end. We’ll find the problem!

Could you try to hard refresh from your web browser and check if you’ve any plug-ins or addons causing an incompatibility please? Thank you!
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