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Is it bad if my driver BMI is

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medal 5000
1 year 224 days ago (Last edited by José Trujillo 1 year 224 days ago)
I got 2 diver but both of the have a 30+ BMI, should I buy new drivers?
medal 5488 Super Mod
1 year 224 days ago

A driver's BMI can be improved by training their weight. 
Weight will automatically decrease or increase depending on where their BMI is, in relation to the optimal (indicated by green).

To train just the physical attributes of your drivers (weight and stamina), there is an arrow between the "Heal" and "Train" buttons in the training tab. Pressing that, and setting it to "Physical" will help you to optimise your driver's BMI as quickly as possible.
Once BMI is optimal, and Stamina is maximise (30), you can use the arrow again to set the training focus to either Driving Ability or Mental to improve the other attributes. 

I hope this helps you. :)
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