John Doe medal 5000 1 year 230 days ago (Last edited by
John Doe 1 year 230 days ago)
As you said no one has put my proposal cause it’s a new idea. Inactive players are always an issue in every game. The only way to get rid of inactive players and dead leagues are the Hosts and idk if there are co-hosts to help the host. Plus I doubt a formation lap can hurt anyone.
I'm not arguing that formation lap won't hurt, but it takes a lot of lines of code to create it, and the question arises, is it necessary at the moment if there are more serious problems?
New updates usually bring new bugs, and this game has slow developers who will fix these bugs for a couple of months (and they will also write a code for a month) :)
If this game had more developers who would have time to work on important problems at the same time, come up with innovations in the game process and at the same time make small visual suggestions that do not change the gameplay, then I would only be for your suggestion :)
You're probably new to this game, and therefore you don't understand that the problem of inactive leagues is not what you're talking about. Even an experienced player in this game without having several friends who will race in this league cannot create an active league. And people, especially beginners, create these leagues, and these leagues of 1-2 players are superfluous, but they pull on active newcomers who, entering such a league, think that the game is abandoned. The solution to this problem lies in reducing the number of leagues. The fewer of them, the greater the asset in each. Okay, we went into what you can read in other topics on the forum, so I won't write anything else about leagues...